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Important Warnings

Important Warnings


Failure to follow warnings and instructions may results in serious injury or death.

Anyone using this publication must read and understand all warnings and other information contained within. The following apply to all products in this price list. Warnings specific to individual products are displayed within each product section.

Horizon Cable Service, Inc assumes no responsibility for the use or misapplication of any product sold by this firm. Responsibility for design and use decisions rests with the user. All products are sold with the express understanding that the purchaser is thoroughly familiar with the correct application and safe use of same. Use all products properly, in a safe manner and for the application
which they are intended.

It would be impossible in the scope of this publication to list all possible dangers and misapplications associated with the use of all products contained herein. However, in order to promote safe rigging habits, the most common hazards associated with the use of these products are outlined.

Working Load Limit

This is the term used throughout the catalog. There are, however, other terms used in the industry which are interchangeable with the term Working Load Limit. These are: WLL, SWL, Safe Working Load, Rated Load Value, Resulting Safe Working Load, and Rated Capacity. Never exceed the Working Load Limit. The Working Load Limit is the maximum load which should ever be applied to a product, even when the product is new and when the load is uniformly applied - straight line pull only. Avoid side loading. All catalog ratings are based upon usual environmental conditions and consideration must be given to unusual conditions such as extreme high or low temperatures, chemical solutions or vapors, prolonged immersion in salt water, etc. Such conditions or high-risk applications may necessitate reducing the Working Load Limit.Working Load Limit will not apply if product has been welded or otherwise modified. It should also be noted that it is the responsibility of the ultimate user to determine a Working Load Limit for each application.

Working Load Limit

Components must match. Make certain that components such as hooks, links or shackles, etc. used with wire rope (or chain or cordage) are of suitable material size and strength to provide adequate safety protection. Attachments must be
properly installed and must have a Working Load Limit at least equal to the product with which they are used. Remember: Any chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

Raised Loads

Keep out from under a raised load. Take notice of the recommendation from the National Safety Council Accident Prevention Manual concerning all lifting operations. "All employees working on cranes or hoists or assisting in hooking or arranging a load should be instructed to keep out from under the load. From a safety standpoint, one factor is paramount:Conduct all lifting operations in such a manner that if there were an equipment failure, no personnel would be injured. This means keep out from under a raised load and keep out of line of force of any load."Do not operate a load over people. Do not ride on loads.

Shock Loads

Avoid impacting, jerking or swinging of load as the Working Load Limit could be exceeded and the Working Load Limit will not apply. A shock load is generally significantly greater than the static load.
Avoid shock loads.

REMEMBER: ANY PRODUCT WILL BREAK IF ABUSED, MISUSED, OVERUSED OR NOT MAINTAINED PROPERLY.Such breaks can cause loads to fail or swing out of control, possibly resulting in serious injury or death as well as major property damage.


  1. Never exceed the Working Load Limit (WLL).
  2. Match components properly.
  3. Keep out from under a raised load.
  4. Avoid shock loads.
  5. Inspect products regularly.

  • oil gas industry
  • manufacturing industry
  • construction industry